Monday, July 28, 2014

VBS, la primera día

9:50 p.m.

Today was the first day of our VBS here in Camichines. Around 10:30 this morning, kids from around the village began to trickle onto the property. At first it was a slow stream of children and then around 11:15 more and more children began pouring in. The first thing on the schedule for the day was game and craft time. We split the kids into three groups: older kids, younger kids, and a group of about ten kids for crafts at a time.

We played four games with the older kids: Simon Says, Four Corners, Red Light Green Light, and The Queen Wants, which is a specialized version of a scavenger hunt in which the "queen" requests something in the area and the first child to bring it back earns a point. Everyone enjoyed all of the games, and all of the children were very competitive.

After about an hour of assorted games with the children, we walked back into the yard and prepared for the lesson. We started out with a few songs and then Ben, Stephen, Joe, and I delivered our lesson. This lesson was based primarily on obedience and we used Moses and Superman as examples, which was a good way to grab the kid's attention. After the lesson, we gave a few examples of obedience in everyday life to see if the children understood the lesson.

As soon as the lesson ended, the children ate a quick snack and then we all headed down to "la concha," which is a large, square slab of concrete that doubles as a basketball court and a soccer field. A few of the children from the village came to play and soon we had enough people for 6 teams of 6 people each. We stayed at the concha for about an hour and then headed back to the house for lunch, which consisted of tortillas, beans, and fresh fruit. 


     Today we woke up knowing that we had a busy day ahead of us. It was going to be the first day of the vacation bible school that we were holding, and I, like some, had no idea what to expect. The day before, all we were told was to just "go with the flow". Breakfast consisted of pancakes and fresh fruit. After breakfast, everyone had, like everyday, a little time for devotions by themselves. Some spent this time, however, to start cleaning up the courtyard, preparing for VBS. Most of the activities were going to be held there, so we swept and covered up all the machines. 

     Then, at around 10:30, the kids started to arrive. Everyone was assigned to a activity such as games for the older and younger kids or crafts. I was assigned to the games for the older kids. We started off with red light green light in the courtyard. Then, we moved onto the street to play games such as simon says, four corners, and mare y tierra. For the younger kids, they played games such as duck duck goose and also simon says. Capes were made today for crafts, and the kids had markers and stickers to decorate. After all these activities, the kids sat down for their lesson on obedience. Snacks were served for the kids following the lesson.

     VBS ended around 2:30, but most of the kids stayed to go to a soccer field nearby. After everyone was finished with playing soccer, we had some time to relax before going into one of that classrooms to watch a play that the kids had put together. For the rest of the night we practiced songs and the lesson for the following day's VBS. We ate chicken parmesan for dinner that was made by some of the team members.

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